The local currency is the Belizean Dollar (BZD), with bills of 100,50,20,10,5 and 2 and coins of 1, 0,50, 0,20, 0,10, 0,05 and 0,01 cents.
Exchange rate:
- USD: 2.00 BZD
- Euro: 2.29 BZD
At several places in Belize there are limited amount of ATM machines and these don´t accept all types of bankcards. Most of the ATM machines do accept Visa and/or Mastercard. In case of an emergency, major banks provide cash money showing your bankcard and passport. It happens on regular base that cash machines are (temporarily) out of money/order. You can pay anywhere in Belize with USD. If you would like to change USD to Belizean Dollars you can do that at Casa de Cambio´s (exchange house) which are open almost the entire day. They usually only have a little less exchange rate then at the bank. In big hotels it is also possible to exchange money. Belizean Dollars are not accepted outside Belize so if you don´t return to Belize, make sure you use your last Belizean Dollars or change it at the border or at a casa de cambio!